Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hey guys!Pake101 here and i'm going to have a contest!I have switched 4 items with a different one.If you can guess the correct switched things,i will give you 2000 coins on chobots!(i  give you the coins by letting you win sweet battle a bunch of times).Good luck to all.The contest will end in 3 days so hurry.By the way i would like moneyinthebank13 and monkeyboi912 to also compete.Thank you and good luck!                ~pake101


  1. banana and spike hair, pants and american hat,saxophone and accordian, and 2 hiki shirts from monkeyboi912

  2. girl pants american hat, two instruments,banana and boy hair, and the orange and red hiki shits and ya -Slaps Monkey- :D

